Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting ready!

Jacob and I have been working very hard to get things done around the house, so we feel comfortable leaving it for a year.  We are leaving the house furnished, luckily, and are using the room under the garage for storage, making it a lot easier on us.  Little by little we have been going through rooms, closets and the garage, weeding out junk and it feels great!  We had a garage sale last weekend and made over $200 on our junk!  Maddie, our cat, is still looking for a home, although we have some friends said they could help us out if no one steps up.

All of us, including our dog Ember, are getting our regular checkups and vaccines for the trip.  Ember has it easier than us!  Getting her there is much easier than we anticipated; all she needs is a current rabies shot and a certificate of good health- no quarantine luckily.

Once the house is in good shape to leave, the packing begins.  We aren't really taking that much stuff, just clothes and camping gear.  The house we are moving into is fully furnished and we plan to buy a can when we get there.  The Costa Rican roads can be pretty rough, so all we are looking for is 4 wheel drive and reliable. 

We leave on July 2nd and we could not be more excited about getting there!

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